Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"The storm is over, can't you feel it?....the pressures changed"

Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. 
The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, 
and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.” Lord Byron 

I am wondering why 50% of the facebook status updates I am looking at, are people saying how much they hate storms, can someone explain to me why this is? why hate something so majestic and powerful, something which clears the dirt and grime from the air electromagneticallly..Wonderous.
 The symbol of the storm is something quite extraordinary. Power. Fear. Strength. and yet, it only lasts for a short while. I brief glimpse of what terrible could be but never more then God deems necessary. A simple reminder of the power he has over all of us, the whole world, but that he promised never again to flood the earth and kill all who were on it. He swore that he would not leave us be to the powers at will. God brought us the storm but swore He would deliver us into the sunshine once more. I choose to look at the storm not as something to fear but something which helps- it clears the air to make room for new--for changes. Good changes. 

1 comment:

Joshua Wieser said...

Very well said Jamie.